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Au Poste dans le NY Times: «On Paris Streets, Anti-Macron Protests Take On a Hint of Menace»

The filmmaker and writer David Dufresne followed one group, streaming live, for eight hours. “It was like a game of cat and mouse,” he said, with the group dispersing at the arrival of police, and using social media to find one another and start again, 15 minutes later.

Mr. Dufresne said he had the feeling he was living a moment in French revolutionary history like the Paris Commune in 1871, or the time in 1789 when a group like this stormed the Bastille prison, freed a handful of prisoners and took the supply of gunpowder.

“You can say that’s romantic, outdated,” he said. “I don’t think so.”

Catherine Porter, NY Times

Article complet sur le site-source: www.nytimes.com

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